My words aren't justly coming together to form descriptive sentences for this week, so here are a few words:
Exasperating. Overwhelming. Fun. Learning. Headache-worthy. Teaching. New. Exhausting. Confusing. Enjoyable. Trying. Hard. Exciting.
The Jarrell Family, made up of Greg, Helms, Joe, John-Tyson and Zeb, works mainly with the children; while the Williams Family: Jason, Joanie, Jamar, Kevin, Joy-Kate and Nora, interacts predominately with the adults. For the summer, I'm living with the Williams family, and my wonderful roommate, Lindsay. I work mainly with the Jarrell family, since my focus this summer is with the children from the neighborhood.
Every weekday, anywhere from 8-15 (the amount for this week, throughout the summer the number may vary more) children come to the Clubhouse from 12-4. The kids love coming to hang out with the Hyaets family, and look forward to the summer activities that we plan. Most of the week last week, we spent planning out over all schedule:
Monday: Park day
Tuesday: Gym/garden day
Wednesday: Field trip day
Thursday: Pool day
Friday: Intern surprise day
To most, predominately Lindsay and I, this would seem like enough planning...but quickly did we learn it was not. The Enderly Park kids are raised in a culture that is so foreign to mine. They grow up tough. They spit out words, and most of the time, they don't hesitate to put them into action. As interns, we've learned fast that down time with the kids is not okay. Every minute almost has to be planned out, especially for the younger kids. Things can escalate in an instant from a small remark to a full on fight. Within the first week, I've already had to break up two very physical fights (between 8 year olds). If they aren't fighting, a lot of the time they are yelling at each other. I've probably heard the phrases, "Shut up, or I'll beat (punch, smack, hit, etc) you," more times this past week than I've heard it in my lifetime. I've found myself at a loss for a response. I don't feel like I'm in a position to tell the kids that's not okay, because this isn't my culture. It might be different in a month of so, when I've become more acclimated to the area, but for now, I'm still a foreigner.
One of the biggest things I've struggled with this week has been perseverance. I'm pretty good at running away from things. I'm good at starting things, but not finishing. I'm good at big ideas, but not details. God placed me here this summer to love and build relationships with these kids. By Monday at four, I was already sick of it. I felt like everything was out of control. In fact, I still feel that way, although, slightly less out of control. Tuesday was even more trying than Monday. So by the time Wednesday came along, I had already lost all my patience to deal with the kids. Wednesday, we were able to go to ImaginOn, in downtown Charlotte, and we were split into groups. I only had two boys for most of the time...but it was still a challenge. Thursdays was a breath of fresh air. We only take 8 kids to the pool, thanks to limited seating and the fact that they all can't swim, so it was much easier to handle. It was also refreshing because the majority of the kids were older (middle to high schoolers), and thus easier to get along with. They were much more receptive to what I had to say than any of the younger kids. I'm thankful that Thursday went so well, because I'm almost positive I would have gone insane today if that wasn't the case. Today was not good. I'm not sure if it was our lack of planning (it was craft day), or the fact that it was the last day of the week, but it was rather ridiculous. Thankfully, it's officially the weekend, and I can breathe now. I can't say I've officially recovered, but nothing a good nights sleep and some time with Jesus can't cure. :)
"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done." --Philippians 4:6