Saturday, August 13, 2011

Summer reflections: part 1

As this summer is coming to a close, I've had some time to reflect on the many memories I've experienced. This summer, although extremely stressful and trying at times, has been one of the most profound times in my life. These moments have changed my life. What I knew three months ago of the 'hood and life in an "at risk" neighborhood, has gone from the view of an outsider, to someone who has seen it first hand. I've built relationships with the kids and adults in the neighborhood; laughed with them, hurt with them, made friends with them. Breaking the barrier from being an outsider to someone accepted in the neighborhood was probably one of the toughest transitions. The first few weeks, the kids were relentless to our authority. On top of the frustration of somewhat "unruly" children, was the adjustment to living, working, eating and fellowshipping with the same people. It wasn't easy. It was tiring and annoying. But somehow, by the grace of God, I adjusted and became more than an outsider. I really started building relationships with the kids and getting to know them. I developed a love for the people of the neighborhood, that only a few weeks prior, felt so foreign. I got used to having babies and toddlers (if 3 year olds are considered toddlers?) everywhere. The sound of ringing phones and knocking at the door became pretty monotonous. I think a little over halfway into the summer, I realized that my daily life was becoming extremely habitual. The kids were great, for the most part, and as far as the community atmosphere, we got along well enough. I enjoyed what I was doing, but I realized that there needed to be more than that.