Monday, August 24, 2009

College 101

I'm officially a college student. :) Pretty exciting, I must admit. Mom and dad came up to help me move in on Thursday and mom stayed until Saturday. After she left, I did some of my own shopping and my friend Tom came over to help me build my bed and entertainment stand. I also explored the campus, which came in handy today. 

Today was the first day for classes. I had one at 11 and another at 3:30. My eleven o'clock is Religions in America and last fifty minutes long. Monday and Wednesday's are normal large group sessions discussing the reading material, and Friday's are small group discussions (mine's at nine...which means I'm done for the week at 9:50 on Friday!!). The professor seems really interesting. He challenged us to know our facts and be able to back up what we say we believe. He also wants us to be able to see how different religions have shaped America into what it is today. It seems really interesting. I think I'll enjoy it a lot. 

My second class was Literature and the Arts. The professor went over the syllabus for the majority of class, but we had a short discussion towards the end of class about what art is. It seems like a very intriguing class, but it'll be challenging. I already have fifty pages to read and some questions to make out before class on Wednesday. The class is only Monday and Wednesday, but is from 3:30 - 4:45, so a bit longer than my first class of the day. 

My predetermined ideas of college classes and professor were reformed today, with a more positive outlook on them. I expected teachers to just come in, read the syllabus, give us notes and expect us to know everything we needed to know. In actuality, it was vastly different. The professors were both extremely helpful and interactive. They wanted to know our questions and concerns. Even in one of my classes with 85 students, it seemed like no more than 20 people. The discussions we had, which were both very subjective topics, were open to whatever views or ideas we had to say. There didn't seem to be a fixed right or wrong answer from the teacher. 

Today was also Fall Fest, which basically consisted of any organized club on campus coming out to promote with a booth on College Avenue. I got some information on a ton of Christian groups, as well as a club swimming and the rec center on campus. I'm excited to get involved in these organizations! :) 

Thanks for reading, I'll keep updating, but I've got homework tonight! :) 

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Pre-College Jitters

I’ve looked forward to this time in my life since as far back as I can remember. College has always seemed so “dreamy.” The new found independence and ability to “find yourself” is right at the students fingertips, what kind of a teenager could ask for anything else?!

Now my time is here, I leave in less than 36 hours, and I’m kind of scared. I’m going to be by myself and be able to do whatever I want, but that’s one of the last things I want. Philippians 4:6-7 states, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” God keeps reminding me that I have to place my anxiousness and worry at the foot of the cross, and He will willing replace that with His peace. 

It’s been an interesting journey getting to this point in my life, and God’s been teaching me the whole way to trust Him. But now, more than ever I’ve learned that I can’t do it on my own. He is sovereign. He sees the bigger pictures, and knows exactly where I’ll fit in. I’ve been reading John Piper’s, Don’t Waste Your Life, which mentions that we aren’t called to live safely and comfortably. We’re called to glorify HIM! That is my desire, that I complete my freshman year and can say, with confidence that I glorified God in all that I did. I understand I’m a human, and it’s not possible through my own strength to do that, but through the Holy Spirit, it can be done! 

I’m excited to see the unveiling of God’s plan in my life throughout this next year, and plan to keep this updated with what’s going on in my life!